Nemia's Discoveries: Getting to Know a Card Better

Nemia is a poster on the Aeclectic Tarot Forum and she recently received her Deck of 1000 Spreads. But even before it arrived, she had grand ideas of what to use it for. Unless otherwise indicated, the following are Nemia's words and photos. In this exercise, she puts one tarot card—The Star—on top of multiple Deck of 1000 Spreads cards to help her learn the nuances of The Star. 

Getting to know a card better

I chose the Star card from the Wild Unknown deck. I put it on a different position card from the Do1000S and tried to interpret it. Every time, a different aspect of the card appeared. Just emerged in front of my eyes! 

I find this is much easier to do than by just trying as "dry exercise". It's so helpful to see the word written over the card. Action: the Star. Underlying Influence: the Star. Just by looking at the pictures, the head starts to work and to find the aspects of the card.

How can the Star be a negative influence? Oh yes, it can. Looking too far ahead and forgetting the presence, having blind hope…

This exercise demonstrates that there are no wholly negative or positive cards, and that there is depth to every card. All we have to do is discover it.