Tarot Journaling

Juliana in CA shares this tip to help with tarot journaling: 

"I've had [my Deck of 1000 Spreads] a week or so and I'm loving it. One of the unexpected benefits for me is that it has made tarot journaling much more useful. I always take a picture of my personal readings and attach it to my journal (on Evernote). Well, now I can look back and get much more out of that picture since the positions are clearly marked in the photo. I'm loving that!"

Of course this tip isn't limited to tarot journaling. The Deck of 1000 Spreads is a camera-ready way to save your spreads and readings for perpetuity. Professionals use it so they can send pics of their spreads to clients. In addition, I usually do one or two big spreads a year that I write down and keep on my computer and it always annoys me having to write down the positions and the cards in each position and blah, blah. Now I can just do my reading without having to explain to myself why I said what I said, because now I have photographic evidence!