Barbara in Minnesota uses the Deck of 1000 Spreads to take pictures of her readings for her email clients. Many readers send pictures to email clients, but they're rarely labeled with spread positions. When they are labeled, it's usually done with photo editing software, which takes valuable time. Taking a picture of a spread with the Deck of 1000 Spreads fixes that issue, provides transparency to the client and gives them the opportunity to understand their reading—and the process behind it—better.
Pictures of client spreads can also be sent after phone readings and Skype ones as well. Face-to-face readings could also benefit from sending the querent home with a digital image of their spread to help them remember what you said.
Marcia in California turns the deck upside down and asks her querents to choose at random from the face-down deck, arranging the cards they choose in any order they like. Only then does she turn the spread cards over and place tarot cards on top. Talk about flying by the seat of your pants! But it works! And delivers a unique reading every time, truly created in partnership with the universe.
Jeannine from Vermont also likes to be interactive with her clients in this way. Rather than have her clients shuffle the cards, she shuffles them until the client says "stop." Then she fans out the cards, face down, and let them choose at random. She does the same with the tarot deck. Viola! The client determines their fate!
I find that just using them in face-to-face readings at all takes some of the mystery out of the process, especially for first-time seekers. When they can see the card you're reading and the context you're reading it in, their doubt, anxiety or skepticism subsides. What you're doing makes more sense.
Most really don't understand what we do. They don't realize there's a structure or logic to the way we lay out the cards. They may see why we interpret a card a certain way, but not understand why we're saying it's going to happen in the future, for example. With the Deck of 1000 Spreads, your clients can understand all of that, and they may also be more likely to chime in with their own insights or relevant follow up questions.