Bags for Your Deck of 1000 Spreads

The Deck of 1000 Spreads is 6" long, which is longer than most tarot decks. But it's about the same width as a tarot deck. So how do you get a bag that fits snugly? I found these knit bags (left) at a VERY reasonable price on Etsy at Threads of Magique. Your cards should will perfectly in them. And they also hold normal decks beautifully. 

Here's another style of bag that's big enough to fit the Deck of 1000 Spreads. Make sure you get one of the ones she says is 6" when closed. I purchased the one pictured here (I have another on the way that will be the future home of my deck!) It doesn't flap as much as shown in this pic when the Deck of 1000 Spreads is inside, but it flaps well enough below the belt to keep the bag securely closed. And talk about luxury! Wyldechilde Creations only uses silk and natural fabrics, putting natural fabrics right next to your cards. She will make custom sizes, but her standard size of 4x6" fits the Deck of 1000 Spreads perfectly! These bags are a fabulous value for the work put into them. She does really good work and her fabric combinations are to die for!

I found the bag to the left on etsy, also. These are crocheted and plenty large enough for your Deck of 1000 Spreads. Most of her bags are done with acrylic yarn, making a thick, sturdy home for your cards. And they're a STEAL compared to other solutions. You can find them at Lucytheena on etsy. 

As other ideas come up, I'll share them here.